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    Halogen မီးခွက်အရောအနှော

    Product classification: Halogen lamp mixture gas
    Gas names: halogen lamp gas mixture, halogen gas, halogen lamp filling gas

    အရင်စာရင်းသို့ ပြန်သွားရန်နောက်တစ်ခု


    Gas name: Halogen gas mixture

    Other names: halogen gas, halogen lamp filling gas

    Product purity: Main component purity>99.999%

    Packaging instructions: 2-40L specialized steel cylinders

    Product Description: According to different customer needs such as halogen lamp model, material, color temperature, luminous flux, and lifespan, add an appropriate amount of hydrogen bromide, bromomethane, dibromomethane, bromochloromethane, chloromethane, and dichloromethane

    Alkane, iodomethane, etc., are mainly composed of a mixture of krypton gas, argon gas, and xenon gas. For example, 0.04% bromomethane+(40% -50%) krypton+residual nitrogen gas

    Attention: Toxic, non combustible mixed gas. Pay attention to ventilation. Bottled gas products are high-pressure filling gases, and they should be depressurized and depressurized before use. The packaged gas cylinders all have years of use

    All expired gas cylinders must be sent to relevant departments for safety inspection before they can continue to be used. When using exhaust gas in each bottle, the residual pressure inside the bottle should be kept at 0.5MPa, and the minimum should not be lower than

    With a residual pressure of 0.25MPa, the bottle valve should be closed to ensure gas quality and safe use. Bottled gas products should be classified and stacked during transportation, storage, and use. Combustible gases and combustion supporting gases are strictly prohibited from being stacked

    When together, it is not allowed to approach open flames and heat sources. It is important to avoid getting close to flames, oil and wax, exposure to sunlight, heavy throwing, and impact. It is strictly prohibited to start or arc on the gas cylinder body, and rough loading and unloading are strictly prohibited.